Cruelty free products are Affordable and Easily Available

I switched to cruelty free personal care products after I realized that there was cruelty involved in every product I used. This was the easiest step I took towards reducing my cruelty towards innocent animals.
There are two different ways of cruelty involved in making almost every personal care product.
·         The first is the barbaric practice of testing products on animals.
·         The second is the usage of products derived using extremely cruel means such as:
The good news is that both these cruel practices are unnecessary. The bad news is that most people are unaware of this good news.
When I wanted to switch over to cruelty free products, I googled for an easily available list. I found some articles with a list of exorbitantly priced products. So, was being cruelty free not for me and other frugal people?
I decided to check the supermarket aisles in my neighborhood. I finally found some cruelty free products at very affordable prices. Moreover, these products are available at almost all the stores. So, I can continue to buy a soap for Rs.50 or a shampoo for Rs.100. I don’t have to beg, borrow, or steal to turn cruelty free. 

 Here are some of my findings:
·         Reputed companies such as Vicco, Himalaya and others which we have been trusting for decades offer cruelty free products.  This convinced me that animal testing and animal derived products are unnecessary.
o   All products from Vicco Laboratories like Vicco turmeric cream and their oral care products are certified cruelty free and vegan by Peta. The best part here is people have been using Vicco products for decades. I am yet to hear of anyone who has suffered by using Vicco products. 
o   There are more brands which do not test on animals and contain animal only plant based ingredients such as:
§  Ayur Herbals
§  Lotus Herbals, 
§  Dhathri Dheedhi
§  Yardley
§  Akshara Herbals
§   Vitra Naturals
o    Himalaya, Biotique, Sri Sri, and Khadi Herbal Gramodaya are against animal testing. However, their products may contain animal derived ingredients such as milk and honey. So, we need to buy their products only after going the ingredient list carefully.
Here is the complete list of the products I found:
Source of information: Product descriptions on the respective product or Website

Skin Care Products

Face wash

o   Ayur Herbals

Face creams

o   Biotique Advanced Ayurveda
o   Ayur Herbals
o   Lotus Herbals


o   Ayur Herbals
o   Himalaya Herbals

Lip balm


o   Khadi Herbal Gramodaya
o   Sri Sri

Body wash

Body lotion

o    Ayur Herbals

Body Fragrances (Deodorant, Perfumes, Talcum Powder)

Shaving creams

o   Himalaya Herbals

Hand wash

o   Khadi Herbal Gramodaya

Hand sanitizer

Oral Care Products

Tooth paste

o   SriSri

Tooth powder

Mouth wash

o   Himalaya Herbals

Hair Care Products


o   VLCC
o   Khadi Herbal Gramodaya
o   Akshara Herbals
o   Vitra


o   Vitra

Hair creams

o   Vitra


o   Biotique

Home Salon


Face scrubs

Face Pack

o   Himalaya Herbals
o   Banjaras

Face masks

Hot wax/cold wax

Bath Salts

Khadi Bath Salts


o   Himalaya Herbals
o   Lotus Herbals


o   Himalaya Herbals



o   Kajal
o   Mascara – Lotus Herbals
o   Eyeliner – Lotus Herbals


o   Lipsticks/Lipliners - Lotus Herbals Lipstick



o   Primer - Lotus Herbals Primer
o   Foundation - Lotus Herbals Foundation
o   Compact Powder - Lotus Herbals


A baby step of switching to a cruelty free brand make a huge difference to the many unknown lives being tortured, mutilated, and killed for our daily needs. Moreover, it is so easy when the products are available in the same store, on the same shelf and at the same prices. 


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