Going Vegan meant Happier Monthly Periods

My first step towards being cruelty free was to turn vegetarian. After 6 months of turning vegrtarian, I noticed that I was more energetic during my periods and my cramps started reducing.

Around the same time I took another step towards minimalism by trying cloth made reusable sanitary pads and biodegradable sanitary pads.  I also want to reduce is the use of regular sanitary napkins. Though the regular sanitary napkins are affordable they added up to a lot of hazardous waste.

As usual I first looked up online for the various options. I found the least expensive cloth sanitary pads  on Aliexpress. So, I ordered one and it was comfortable. It did not give me any rashes. So, I ordered more and still use them. They have a shelf life of 3 years. Spending around 100 on a few of these pads equaled the amount I would anyways spend in 3 years. The only hassles were washing them immediately after use and washing twice after every use.

Now these were good enough for my home and work routine. But I could not use them while travelling. Because I would not be able to wash them or find a place to dry them.

The only hassle was cleaning them. It has to be washed twice and dried properly. I like using them as they are comfortable. But these are an option only during my regular home or office routine. It cannot be used while travelling.

So, I bought the biodegradable ones for travelling. I first tried Sakhi. It lasted for a few hours and did not cause any discomfort. But it did not last long enough because it did no have wings. I have listed my experience with each of them at the end of this post.

It's been more than a year since I switched to plant based although I end up giving in to my  temptations  for sweets once in a while. And I had also switched to these biodegradable or reusable pads around the same time. My cramps are almost minimal compared to what I felt earlier. I no longer get rashes and infections. My PMS symptoms like mood swings are no longer there either.

The cost is definitely higher and I also have the additional task of washing pads too. But it's worth it since my  health has improved for the better.

Here's the list of products I have tried:

  •  Feels soft. Does not cause rashes or infections.
  •   Available on Amazon.in

No wings. Does not stay in place for long.
Feels soft. Does not cause rashes or infections.

  • Does not last beyond a few hours if you have normal flow too.
  • Not available on Amazon and the product took longer to reach.

  • Available on Amazon.in Available on Amazon.in
  • Feels soft and lasts long too

Adhesive stays long after removing the pad is difficult to get rid of it.
  • Available on Amazon.in
  • Feels soft and lasts long too


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